Thursday, April 23, 2009

Simple things to avoid BIG PROBLEMS

95% Traffic Accidents caused by Driving Performance
[under construction]

Do you know that 115 people killed every day in US ? Regarding US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics, in 2005 there were almost 6.5 million automobile accidents in the United States that killed more 45000 people. It's 115 people a day !! The fact is, according to it's research, 95% of the traffic accident worldwide is caused by poor driving performance as a prime and combined factor.

There are 4 major factors that cause the traffic accidents.

  1. Poor Driving Performance
  2. Mechanical Issues
  3. Road Condition
  4. Road Design and Maintenance.
1. Poor Driving Performance.

It is obvious that aggressive behaviors may end-up with an accident. New York state Police reports that the following (mainly with aggressive) factors, cause the most accidents
  • Speeding
  • Unsafe or too-freequent lane changing
  • Not using turn signals
  • Tailgating
  • Not yielding the right-line of way
  • Ignoring traffic signals
  • Driving while impaired by alcohol or chemicals.
Besides, cell phone conversations, sipping coffee and applying make-up are distractions that potentially cause accidents.

2. Mechanical Issues.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why Insure your Car ?

When you drive a car, there is possibility an unexpected thing happens. And when it happens, there are likelihood you couldn’t cope with the situation, particularly when it causes serious losses to other party (car damage or injury), like if you hit other car or pedestrian.

By possessing an appropriate car insurance, will ease your unexpected situation.

Car insurance in fact is not an option in many countries. In US and some European countries, it is obliged for car owners to have one. In extended coverage, a car insurance could also protect your car from car stealing, natural disasters, vandalism and other more

This information below, is a must read for car owners who wants to purchase the car insurance.


Before purchasing a car insurance


Please be acknowledge that you could get less rate for the same coverage policy from different insurance companies. There are many aspects the Insurance companies consider before quoting a policy, like your driving record, year of your car and many things else.

1. Profoundly Consider the coverage.

You should ask to the insurance company, all kinds of coverage they offer. Go to the coverage list, read in detail and carefully, do not presume anything, ask for clearness. Just because you got coverage on a flood disaster on minimum coverage, in your previous state, doesn’t mean it applys in other state too, even in the same insurance company.

When you are provided with the full list of what coverage they offer, pick the coverage wisely, cause you don’t want to pay protection for something that is unlikely to happen, while the insurance company keeps offering as many coverage as possible.

2. Compare the rate.

Do not presume that all insurance companies will charge the premium with only slit difference to each other. You would surprisingly find the difference until few hundred dollars for same coverage in same state. So do the comparison.

3. Ask for Discounts.

If you have good driving record, you may be eligible for some discount on your premium. And if you are a mature people, you may get more discount. Like the driving record and age, there are several more factors that potentially “shrink” your insurance premium.

· The number of miles you drive a year.

· Where you live.

· The car you drive.

· The amount of coverage.